Since 1991, The Picas Group (TPG) has dedicated resources to leading its customers through an ever-evolving industry that has brought no shortage of unique challenges in terms of how we determine and measure success. In the core of our mission statement, you will find a principal goal that has guided our team from the beginning; the promise to grow with our customers.
A Partnership
When I think of how we aspire to interact with our customers, I often find myself referring to the following quote…
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”
Henry Ford, Ford Motor Company
I reflect on the importance of growth throughout the life cycle of our relationship with our customers and partners. It speaks to the importance of creating the partnership, defining the effort needed to ensure it continues, and to ultimately grow together.
How does TPG cultivate a sense of collective growth with its customers?
It starts with and is driven by our ambition to understand who our customers are and what challenges they’re presented with. Our focus is to serve as a partner that recognizes our customers requirements and to always remain proactive in the supreme goal of making sure those requirements are being fulfilled day in and day out.
By investing the time to understand who our customers are as well as the challenges they face, we’re able to reinforce the concept of collective growth in a variety of ways. Whether it be through our development efforts in encouraging our customers to never hesitate to submit enhancement requests, or the opportunity to attend our biennial Picas Users’ Conference where we bring our customer base together to focus on education and improving Picas as a whole; it provides our customers with ownership in how our product and services are being advanced and improved. This in turn allows the customer/grower to be the driver of the software, and gives TPG the opportunity to continue its education in how growers in today’s industry are progressing and allows us to uphold our promise of growth. You all show us the direction of the horticulture industry, and our job is to provide a vehicle to move forward in that direction.
A Continual Learning Process
As mentioned earlier, TPG understands that we remain in an ever-evolving industry that demands the attention and expertise of a partner who has pulse on where the industry is headed. We know that the work doesn’t stop at learning who our customers are and in order to reach success, we must work together, grow together, and share that achieved success with those around us.
To our current (and future) Picas customers, thank you for choosing to partner with us throughout your journey within the horticultural industry and know that with your involvement, we are able to offer an exceptional product that focuses on growing with you.
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